Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Washing machines are rare in most parts

A while ago I visited Mewat together with my friend Kathy...
(Mewat is one out of 21 districts in the state of Haryana, the state in which we live)

our first stop of the day was at this little lake...or maybe more of a water hole....

we saw these women washing clothes on a platform...

while walking closer a herd of cows came along too...
the lake is important in many aspects...
actually everything living depends on it

this is life for so many of the women in India...
water is scarce and they have to walk to lakes or the village water pump or wait for the water truck to come along...

they seemed to have fun while doing the chores though...we could hear them laugh...
 maybe it was our presence that made them laugh....

many of them had these beautiful ankle silver rings...see the woman to the left.....

 the ring - the bindi..that's the one they put on their head to carry things...

ready...let's go...

over how privileged I am...
I have running water, a toilet and a washing machine
I can have a shower whenever I want to and if I'm thirsty I get cold water 
I live a very different life than some of the women I meet

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