Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In a green field outside of Gurgaon

I saw these magnificent nilgai's…

they are also known as the blue cows or even blue bulls…it's the males that are blueish-greyish…so this  is a female with a calf..nil means blue and gai means "cow" by the way...
I was actually surprised of how big they are when you come up close like this…the male can actually weigh up to 288 kg with a maximum of 308 kg…that's a big animal…the females weigh 100-218 kg….still big when you're standing next to them….

of course they got scared when clumsy me tried to sneak out into the field…but it was still so nice to see them up close in the greenery…

most of them where also camera shy….except for one….
We did sees some at the national park also but from far away…

Nilgai is actually the largest antelope in Asia…it's found throughout most of India…from the base of the Himalayas in the north down to the state of Karnataka in the south,being absent only in eastern Bengal,Assam, the Malabar coast and the regions close to Bay of Bengal.

I really need to get up close to a big blue bull…next time I'll put on my best moccasins !

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